Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Bring Me your 'not enough'

"And they said to Him, 'We have here only five loaves and two fish.' 18 He said, 'Bring them here to me.'"                                                               Matthew 14:17-18     NKJV 

Do you ever have something important to do but think, 'I have nothing to give?' It can happen to all of us. Life can be full on at times and the stress and the strain can begin to take its toll. These are the times when we need to go to Jesus because, 'without Me, you can do nothing' John 15:5.

This was how the disciples were feeling that day when Jesus, told them to feed the people. There were in total, with men, women and children, roughly about 20000 mouths to feed. All they had was five loaves of bread and two fish. Now if the fish had been whales, it might have been different. However, it wasn't. They were just your run of the mill fish and the five ordinary loaves. Can you imagine how they felt at such a request, 'You've got to be joking, Jesus.' But, no joke, He was serious.

Notice that Jesus told them to bring the food to Him. That was the the formula of that day and remains the same today. Take what you have to Jesus. The second thing Jesus did was to bless it. Without His blessing, things don't really go well. So we take whatever to Him and ask Him to bless it. 

It is like Jesus is saying, 'Bring Me your 'not enough' and I will make it, 'more than enough'. He always acts with abundance John 10:10. 'Not enough', can become, 'more than enough,' when we place it in Jesus' hands and believe He can do whatever we ask, and more.

 Do you get the idea? You may feel like you have nothing to give but, deep inside there is always something you can find and take it to Him. He is the God of more than enough. He offers superabundance, excessive overflowing and extraordinary life. If you are feeling like you have nothing today, change your thinking. In Jesus, you have all you need.

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