Monday, 16 August 2021


"Behold, I will do a new thing. now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."     Isaiah 43:19     NKJV 

Just the mere mention of the word, 'Change', can stir up anxiety in some people. People feel threatened by this because we are settled and feel secure, why change things? Change brings loss; a loss of your surroundings, your job, house, where you live, your family etc. etc. Many things change very quickly. You may be working for a company and are happy and love the job and the people. All of a sudden, the company changes hands and the change begins. Your job may change, your area of work, your workmates, you may even be made redundant because of the change. All of this adds to the feeling of loss and it is hard to negotiate.

However, there is a need for change at times. There is a change when you are born again. Your old life has to go and you begin to walk in a new area of life. It's exciting and challenging but takes a little getting used to. The loss comes from giving up your old way of life and walking with Jesus. If there was no change here e.g being born again, then, there would be no relationship with Jesus and, at the end of your life, no heaven. Things need to change.

When you decided to walk with Jesus, God began doing a new thing in your life and, it's not over yet Philippians 1:6. When God began His work in you, you knew, without doubt, that you were different, the change had begun. Now He is making a way forward for you to serve Him in whatever capacity He leads you in. It may be preaching, pastoring or it may be in the music world. However, it may be in the environment where you were initially. There is no change to your workplace but, there is a new person in the job - you!

Note the sentence, 'I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.' It may be a dry old route that God leads you along. You may have to wait ages before you discover what He has in mind for you. You may be sitting on the 'sub's bench' for an age before He opens a door. It may feel a little dry, but keep going because God, is preparing you for the task He has in mind. As soon as you are ready, that door will open and before you know it, you will be on your way.

You my be struggling with change at the moment. Things have taken a turn in your life and you are beginning to count the loss of it all. Don't be negative, be optimistic. You may not fully realise what is happening at this time but, God does and if you allow Him, He will be very much in control of the situation. Just trust Him, praise Him and obey Him. Your time is coming - soon.

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