Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Keep your simplicity

"But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."      2 Corinthians 11:3    NKJV 

Today, as I walked our dog, we saw a black cat who immediately, raced into some bushes to get away from the dog as he began to bark at it. As our dog was on a long lead, he ran up to the bush where the cat had entered. He didn't try to follow the cat but what he did do, was to foul the area by cocking his leg and watering the opening to the bush. I thought, 'that cat will never exit from that part of the bush again.

It made me think about this, In this world, the devil attempts to block our way to Jesus any way that he can. We begin to get close to Jesus and the devil sends something our way which is ready to disable our walk with Him. 

It all started in the Garden of Eden that day, (Genesis 3). The serpent tricked Eve into tasting the fruit that was attracting her attention. Paraphrased, the serpent told Eve that it would be ok to pick and eat the fruit; God didn't mean it that way. 'Look at it, it's very lovely.' And, this is how he still catches Christians out today. He plays on our weaknesses by convincing us that it will be ok to try this or that, out. 

This was why the apostle Paul was so concerned. He knew that there were false teachers going around, speaking contradictory words about what God's word was saying. As the serpent deceived Eve with his craftiness, he was using these false teachers to do the same, and he still does today and, they make their way into churches too.

Paul mentions the simplicity that is in Christ. This is better recognised as, our sincerity and pure devotion to Jesus. We should never allow anything or anyone to lead us away from the truth that is in the Word of God. They are lies. Anything that contradicts what God says, is a lie. 

Think for a moment, what is in this world today that is accepted as normal and yet contradicts everything that you believe in? It's in the world and the world accepts it and if you challenge it, you could get arrested or at the least, ridiculed. These things are spoken by false teachers and are most definitely from a different spirit.

Be careful that you don't get hoodwinked and lose your simplicity.

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