Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Be a faith-filled believer

"What is that in your hand?"                                            Exodus 4:2     NKJV

Do you trust God - wholeheartedly? Are you man or woman of faith, or do you just get by each day? Moses was struggling. In his opinion, God had called him to do the most horrendous thing - go to Egypt and confront Pharaoh about letting the Israelites go. It was one awesome task and he would have sooner done anything else that carry out this task. What if this and what if that? Suppose they don't believe me etc? It really was a nightmare time for him. How would you have felt about it? 

But God said something amazing to him, 'What is that in your hand?' He was referring to Moses' rod and told him to cast it down on the floor where it became a snake. When he picked it up by its tail, it became his rod once again. God was showing Moses that He was in charge and with Him in charge, nothing was impossible. And it is the same for you as well.

Without faith we are lost. We can't see fresh air but we know it is there and we naturally breathe it in all through our day. We can't see the wind but we witness the devastation that it can bring. We are the people who walk by faith, not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7. We can't see certain things, but by faith we believe they are there. God is calling us to believe more; to walk in faith not by what we see.

Just look through the bible and you will see people who had incredible faith. 'Yes, but that was back in bible times, it's different now'. No it isn't, in fact there has never been a time when we need to exercise faith. All around us, evil is displayed, murders and rapes on the increase, and terrorism. Some folk believe that we are living in the end times and that may be true. If that is so, we need to stop believing in fear and believe in the opposite - faith and begin living it 24/7.

For some, food and clothing may be a shortage and aid is really helpful to them. However, nothing is more helpful than prayer - asking and believing and receiving. 'Lord we need this'. When He answers with, 'What is that in your hand?' believe and receive it. This is the way God wishes for us to live. 

We either believe God or we don't. We either believe that He can put something in our hand or it is just make believe. You know deep down that faith is the answer, however it takes practice to keep on believing as things will not happen always at once. But they will happen. Just believe.

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