Sunday, 12 September 2021

Don't do it!

"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate."    
                                                                                                        Genesis 3:6    NKJV

Temptation comes in many forms and affects us all. No one is exempt temptation, it goes with the territory. It is though, down to each individual how they handle this - walk away or fall into the trap. The trap may be adultery, theft and a desire to be rich and famous or many other areas.

The problem is, falling into the trap can be very costly. It can cause a marriage to fail no matter how sorry the offending individual is. It can result in a lengthy prison sentence when a person has fallen to the temptation of embezzlement and worse of all, it can completely ruin a person's integrity and testimony. Once a person has become involved in these areas, they carry the label of untrustworthy.

The eye is a great offender, through these lenses, a person looks at something they shouldn't be viewing, such as pornography, and a desire can be ignited. Familiarity with someone if left to fester, can lead to an unsavoury relationship. No matter how pleasant this may be at the time, it will only lead to disaster and heartache and, rather like Eve found, it will be too late to rectify.

An urgent need for finance can tempt a person to put their hand in the till. However, when they get away with it they may be tempted to try it again and again until they are found out and arrested. Shoplifting can fall into this category. Theft and adultery and perhaps, child abuse can all be viewed as desirable to the person who is being tempted but, it will lead to a light being cast down on the whole sorry affair and a person being sent to prison or a divorce are all   that's left to look forward too. Children's lives will be wrecked, families torn apart and all because there was a desire that needed to be satisfied. At the end of the day, one is left with the phrase, 'Was it all worth it? And the answer has got to be, no.

Please don't feel that this would never happen to you, many people would be able to testify that they used to feel this. If you could ask Adam and Eve,they would tell you the same. A ten letter word can carry a devastating sting with it and it is called 'temptation'


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