Saturday, 4 September 2021

He will stir you up

"As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings taking them up, carrying them on its wings."                               Deuteronomy 32:11     NKJV 

When an eagle's young are ready to fledge and leave the nest, the eagle begins to stir up the nest. It may pull pieces of the nest away so that the eaglet falls through into space. Alternatively, the eagle may just pick up the young and drop them over the side. It sounds barbaric and yet, it is for to the eaglet's advantage. It is ready to leave the nest and needs to exercise it's wings. While the young eagle is descending at a fast rate, the mother swoops down and picks it up on it's wing. It may return them to the nest and go through the whole process again or, take them high into the sky and tilt it's wing until it falls off into space again. The idea of all of this, is to allow the young eagles to realise that they have their own wings and if they use them, they can also fly. Eventually, they get the idea and that may be the end of their relationship as they fly off to start a new life somewhere else.

God may do this to us too when He wants us to move or do a particular thing. He is very aware that we like to stay in our comfort zone, rather like the eaglets in their nest. God doesn't operate with comfort zones, he wants us to be free and readily available for Him to use. Quite a few years ago, my wife and I attended a bible college and there we met a young man who had a powerful story to tell. He had been a young Christian who was searching for a way forward and ended up at the college. After the first year there, God started telling him that He wanted him to work in prisons, taking the gospel to the inmates. He flatly refused this, even though God kept speaking to him about it. He went on a few weeks holiday abroad and on the flight back, unbeknown to him, someone had planted some drugs in his rucksack. As he went through customs, he was stopped and arrested. He ended up in prison and he realised that this was where God wanted him. After a very short time, he was released as it was found that he was totally innocent. The bible college accepted him back for his final two years and he then went to work in a prison where he became a chaplain's assistant.

God will have His way. If you have said yes to Him, He will use you. It may not be as drastic as above, but He will uses your gifting. You see, He wants His people to get into position, so that, when He wants to use them, they are there to do the task in hand. He may close the door on things in your life, such as a job, and take you through another door to carry out a new assignment for Him. 

Yes, you may make mistakes as you live each day but, when you are in His will, He will carry you until you are strong enough to cope by yourself. If God begins to stir you up, just stop and think, what a privilege you have, for the God, who created the heavens and the earth, to want to use you. That is amazing. Stir away Lord.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard

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