"Trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6 In all your ways, know and acknowledge and recognise Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth (removing obstacles that block your way). Proverbs 3:5-6 The Amplified Study Bible
Note how imperative it is to trust and rely on the Lord in all that we do. For Him to make our paths straight and smooth, we need to obey God's Word - the rules. He will then remove obstacles that block our way in life.
By way of an analogy, consider the traffic light system in the UK. It goes like this:
Red means to stop
Red and Amber means prepare to go and Amber prepare to stop
Green means to go
It is so important to stop when the red light is displayed. Extreme caution is also required when we approach a Red/Amber light as to just drive through this light, there may be a collision with someone who has done the same on the alternative road. It is of equal importance when the Amber light is displayed as this is a preparation to stop. Traffic lights are there for a reason and must be adhered to in order to avoid accidents. With certain traffic lights, especially the road works type, there can be a delay in them changing. To jump these lights because of impatience can be foolhardy. It is far beater to wait until it is safe to go ahead.
God expects us to obey the rules of the highway and He expects us to obey His Word. As we pray and give Him our movements for each day, He directs our road. He will shine a big (Red) stop sign in our spirit when we are in danger of doing something that we shouldn't. To ignore this warning and, it is a warning, we take on the responsibility ourselves. When God is ready for us to move, He will indicate for us to prepare to go (Red/Amber) and when all is ready, the (Green) go sign will flag up in our spirit. He will also give us the prepare to stop indicator (Amber) and this is one that we really should take notice of. He may want us to stop going to a particular place, hanging around with someone who will lead us astray, or a general preparation to move. All of the Holy Spirit's directions should be obeyed because, God knows far better about what is ahead. We cannot rely on our own judgement.
Obstacles will get in our way; this is why we need to commit each day to Jesus. He knows the way, we don't. He will help us avoid the obstacles as we move according to the Holy Spirit, our Divine Helper and Friend. Make sure you receive His directions and wait and be patient when necessary.
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard
Member of the
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