Sunday, 17 October 2021

Hearing and doing = obedience

"Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock; 25 and the rain descended, the floods came and the wind blew on that house and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock."    
                                                                                               Matthew 7:24-25   NKJV

Jesus spoke about building construction by experience, He was a carpenter and knew all about the necessity for building strong foundations. This was no mere illustration but one in which Jesus would have been aware of. In Palestine at the time, the builder had to think ahead. There were many gullies which in summer were pleasant sandy hollows which the novice would have thought pleasant to live in. However, in winter, the land would have raging torrents of rushing water, and the novice, having built their house on a dried out river bed, would see his house washed away.

Therefore, Jesus emphasised the importance of listening properly to what is being said. If a person doesn't hear the clear instructions in life, then calamities can happen. Many people do not listen properly because of busyness and multi-tasking; and when problems come because of this, they wonder why. Life has to have firm foundations and Jesus offers this. There are so many distractions in the world and getting a 'quick-fix' for them may seem to be the right way to go but, in the end there is a price to pay.

So we have to hear properly and then take action by doing what we have been directed to do. This is how we attain strong foundations. Our lives are able to stand the test when troubles come our way. Whatever may be thrown at us and no matter how hard it may be, we are able to keep standing because our foundation is firm. The bottom line is, if Jesus speaks to us and we do the opposite, then really, we only have ourselves to blame. We should have listened properly and done what He told us to do. Sometimes, we learn the hard way.

We need a strong foundation to rely on and the good news is, Jesus provides this for us. He is an expert in this area. If your world has begun to crash down around you just lately, check your foundation. What have you built on; what have you relied upon? A few adjustments may have to be made to get you re-built and equipped.
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard

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