Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Jesus may bring division

"Do not think that I come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."  v34                                                                             Matthew 10:34-39    NKJV

These words from Jesus are very strong and almost carry a contradiction; after all, Jesus says in John 14:27 'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.' What then is He saying here? Jesus is showing us that to follow Him is costly. There will undoubtably be division between family and friends; workmates and neighbours. We all have choices, we may choose Jesus but others, decide not to, and this is where the hostility can begin.

Families have suffered separation because of one member becoming a Christian. Couples have separated from their marriage and workers have been and still are, persecuted for their faith. It is  division and can therefore become a warfare situation. David Jeremiah says:
'Christ ultimately came to earth to bring peace, but when people choose to follow Jesus, they will often face division and conflict, even within their own households. To choose loyalty to family over loyalty to Christ disqualifies  a person from being one of His disciples' Luke 14:25-27.

We all have choices and the choice to follow Jesus must be a commitment, nothing short of that. People may try to change the choice that we make by using convincing conversations but we must not be swayed by all of this. Jesus looks for dedication. This is why He said that He did not come to earth to bring peace but a sword. A sword slices things apart; it separates and divides and this is what the Word of God actually does. This doesn't mean that we have to be hostile to unbelievers, definitely not. We are to show them the love of Jesus whenever and wherever we can. Jesus would expect us to love them, forgive them but never argue or fight with them.

Bur we have to bear our cross, and the is what it means. The world around us - friends, family and neighbours etc may be hostile towards us; they may disregard us but this is all about us carrying the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus carried His cross to Calvary where He died a terrible death for each one of us. He had commitment and dedication and He looks for this in each one of us. The price of following Jesus can be costly - Jesus demonstrated this. However, we should never consider giving up or renouncing our faith - never! We belong to the King of kings.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard

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