Saturday, 2 October 2021

Their eyes were opened

"Then there eyes were opened and they knew Him"                    Luke 24:31    NKJV 

People can be going through their everyday lives and not realise that they have been in the presence of Jesus in some way or other. This was what happened to two men who were walking towards Emmaus. Jesus turned up and walked with them and they told Him about the events of the past few days - the way Jesus had been crucified and supposedly resurrected. Jesus never told them who He was and went to their house for rest as it was night time. He broke bread and blessed it and suddenly they recognised who He was. Then He vanished from their sight Luke 24:13-31.

This has happened many times over the years and some have missed the truth. Thomas was told that Jesus had visited them - He was alive. But he refused to believe unless He saw Jesus Himself and touched Him. Jesus turned up later and Thomas was able to do this and Jesus told Him to believe from now on. He also said to Thomas, 'Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.' John 20:29. We fit into this category. As born again believers, not many have seen Jesus, but by faith they know He is there and believe. Therefore, in a way, we have also seen Him. Our eyes were opened. This is our faith.

Saul, following his encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road, met with Ananias, a man of God, who God directed to lay hands on Saul that his sight may be regained. This happened and scales fell from Saul's eyes, his eyes were opened and He began His work for Jesus and never stopped until his death.

People who do not know Jesus, need to have their eyes opened. We can talk to them over and over, but like Thomas, unless they see Him for themselves, they will not believe. He came to His own and yet they did not receive Him John 1:11. They didn't receive Him because their eyes remained closed. 

Perhaps you may be like this - you've never accepted Jesus or, maybe you have but your eyes have not been opened wide. Why not say this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I want to know you better; I ask You to be my friend. Please forgive all of my sin and come and live in my heart, bringing Your Holy Spirit to dwell there. I want to follow You for the rest of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Email me to let me know that you have done this.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard

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