Saturday, 4 December 2021


"There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven"     Ecclesiastes 3:1     The Amplified Study Bible

People all over the world utter the phrase: 'Why, why has this happened?' It is a universal thing and one of the most spoken of phrases. Just the word 'Why?' drums up the curiosity within us. Of course there are positive 'Whys?' and negative ones. It's the negative ones that probably cause the most pain whereas the positive version are more of a study term.

The definition for the word 'Why' is usually, 'For what purpose, reason or cause, has this happened?' We need to know if something that has happened is our fault or not. Have we done something that has caused this thing to happen to us right now. Little children can be so curious about things and live their earlier years asking, 'Why, mummy, why?' And when we try to give them the reason we can receive another 'Why?'

When we ask God for something and He doesn't deliver, straightaway, we can begin to wonder why, especially if someone is ill and we pray for healing and nothing happens. We are left with the petition, 'Why?' This is where you may be at this time. Sometimes, it feels like God has gone on a long journey leaving us to manage on our own. Perhaps one of the best things to do, is to draw on past victories that God has given you. You know for a fact that God would never leave you, that is just a lie from the evil one. Remember when things were pretty grim and you were asking God, 'Why Lord?' David drew on God's strength when his men were considering stoning him because the enemy had taken their wives and families. He could have kept asking God, 'Why, and getting nowhere. Instead, he inquired of the Lord, strengthening himself and asking for His direction and help. Read this in 1 Samuel 30. 

God always has a way out. It may not be what we would have chosen and it may not come straightaway, but it will come. He won't let you down. There is a reason for things that happen and sometimes, we never find out the answer. We just move on, standing in the strength of Jesus. 

So for you today, whatever has happened or whatever you are going through, try and remember the past victory days, encourage yourself in this and remember the God who rescued you then, will do the same again

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
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