Saturday, 15 January 2022

Are you spiritually dry?

"Son of man, can these bones live?"                          Ezekiel 37:3    NKJV 

The Valley of Dry Bones is a most popular scripture to read but, like other scripture, is one where there is always something to be found and learnt. Here, the Lord placed Ezekiel in a valley that was completely filled with dry bones. It must have seemed a most eerie place to be. God then asked him a very difficult question to answer, 'Son of man, can these bones live?' Ezekiel  gave the only answer that he could, 'O Lord God, You know.' In other words Ezekiel was saying, 'only you know the answer to this Lord.'

God then told Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones, commanding them to live. Rather reluctantly, I would think, Ezekiel did so and there was a great rattling sound as the bones came together and a body was formed over them. However, they just laid there with no life. This can happen to each one of us in the church today. We may know God's Word through and through, being fully conversant with it and yet, there is something missing - the Breath of God, the Holy Spirit. We may have the word but we need the Spirit too. God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the breath and when he did, the bodies were totally filled with the Spirit of God and stood and were ready for action.

The bones had the word but lacked the breath; when they received it, they came alive and, that is how it works for you and I too. Our bones may be dry and our hope can be lost and we can feel cut off (v11). But when we receive the Word accompanied by the Spirit, there is a Spiritual Revival within us; we come alive, stand and are ready for whatever may come our way. When one of them are missing, we cannot function properly. When God's people have the Word and the Spirit, they have a living experience of His reality in their midst, rather like the bones in the valley. 

Perhaps you may have felt dry of late and are wondering what has happened. You seem to have lost your 'zing'. Let me encourage you to ask God to fill the void that is there and give you a Spiritual Revival and allow the fire of the Holy Spirit to anoint your bones once again:

'Lord, I have felt dry of late and need the fire of Your Spirit to ignite me once again. I have the Word, now may I receive a refilling of Your Spirit so that I have fire in my bones. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen'

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                   

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