Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Don't grumble, God may be doing a new thing

"Why have you so dealt with us to bring us up out of Egypt? 12 Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt, saying 'Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians'? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness."     
                                                                                                Exodus 14:11-12   NKJV 

The Israelites had a short memory. They had been pleading with God for deliverance from the hands of the Egyptians; now that they had this freedom, they were grumbling and criticising. Mind you, let's be honest, how many times do we get into this mindset when things don't go the way we would have liked them to? We are so ready to grumble, moan and criticise at times.

God is doing new things in people's lives. This was what he was doing in the lives of the Israelites but, they couldn't see it. No matter how uncomfortable it was to be held captive in Egypt, it was their comfort zone, they had become used to it. Now Moses was leading them out into the unknown and they were frightened of what lay ahead. 

When God does new things in our lives, fear will always try to stop us, but we need to do it anyway. We must never allow fear to control us, God will honour us as we go ahead. It is better to 'do it afraid,' than not at all. The Israelites had to learn to abandon their slave mentality and take on the freedom that was being offered them and, it is the same with us.

When new things are ahead of us, we need to see this in a new way. We need to envisage what is ahead, the advantages of going forward into a new beginning or a change in life. New things are always a bit scary, this is natural. However, if we know that God wants us to do this, we have to trust Him with it all.

Is this happening in your life at the moment? Do you feel that God is doing a new thing for you? If so, straightaway, your comfort zone will not like it much and will cause you to doubt and ask questions that are unanswerable at this time. Check your heart, if it is pounding with the excitement of it all, yet there is still fear there, it is probably God's will that you go forward. This is where the 'do it afraid' term comes into practice. We do tend to know deep within us that it is right to go ahead, but this doesn't stop the fear.

Count the cost and ask what you have to lose by going ahead. It may be costly but it also may be so rewarding.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 


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