Wednesday 26 January 2022

Our High Priest (1)

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession".        Hebrews 4:14    NKJV 

We need to move forward with Jesus, our Great High Priest. Thank about it for a moment, no other High Priest as these attributes:

(1)  No other High Priest was called great
(2)  No other High Priest passed through the heavens
(3)  No other High Priest is the Son of God
(4)  No other High Priest would offer to die in your place
(5)  No other High Priest would allow you to walk, confidently to the Throne of God

He passed through the heavens and he ascended into heaven and remains at the Father's side ministering for our sakes. Both these truths should encourage us to hold fast our confession. But, let's not forget He was in heaven in the first place. He was the creating force that brought everything into place. Nothing was created without Him. 'All things were made through Him and without Him, nothing was made, that was made'  John 1:3.

He created you and I and He takes an interest in all we have and do. Jesus is our brother; He is our Saviour and God and, He is our Great High Priest. He has been and is, faithful to us and therefore we should never be any different to Him.

If we say that we belong to Jesus, we need to hold fast to this confession. We need to be faithful to Him as He is to us. We need to live the life. For Him, there is no one greater than us; we are His special people. He took our place; He took our sins and He died for us thus redeeming us from a terrible destination. There is no one greater than our Great High Priest. He is very special!

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                   

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Stop being hasty

Better is the poor who walks in his integrity t han one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool. And he sins who hastens with his feet.  ...