Tuesday, 11 January 2022

The Promise (2)

"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord and I will bring you back from your captivity." v-13-14             
                                                                                                Jeremiah 29:13-14   NKJV 

The answer to all of their questions, and yours, was in the letter that Jeremiah wrote to the exiles. Rather like we said yesterday, it requires prayer; it requires a relationship with God and it means giving Him all that you have - everything, not just a part. Jesus gave you His all and still does, you cannot fail to do the same.

The statement above, requires everything that you have. It is a commitment to Jesus, it is an all or nothing type of thing. It cannot be watered down to fit into your own plans, it is a requirement that God lays down. However, the great thing about it, is the benefits that God offers in return. He always offers you the best; an abundance in fact. Jesus Christ is our hope; He is our future, in fact, He is our everything and, what's more, He is interested too.

What God tells you here is, you will find Him when you seek Him with all that you have; with all of your heart. It takes a certain kind of determination to do this because sometimes, it is not all that easy. Things crop up that distract you, annoy you and even devastate you. However, it is the ability to still seek Him with all of your heart when negative things are happening to you, that bring you through these hurdles and mountains; and let's face it, some of the mountains are high and dangerous, but hey, you are a mountain climber in Jesus!

Focus for a moment on the word, 'captivity'. God tells us that, as you seek Him with all of your heart, He will bring you back - or deliver you, from your captivity. Think for a moment, what are you captive too; this can be classed as addicted because any addiction means a person is in captivity to it. It could be smoking, drug abuse, alcohol, pornography and other behaviours. These are only a few of the things that hold believers in captivity. Firstly, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Jesus knows about it and still loves you, but, He wants to free you up because it is holding you back from blessing. Therefore, decide today that you will seek Him with all of your heart and offer it up to Him. It may take some time to be free, or it may be instantaneous. Whatever it is, you will have acknowledged to Jesus that you mean business and that, is all that matters.

Lord, I want to be free from the captivity of ..................................... Please Lord, help me. In Jesus' name. Amen

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 


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