Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Brotherly love

"Let brotherly love continue. 2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels."                               Hebrews 13:1-2    NKJV 

This piece of scripture is not encouraging us to go out and bring home people who we have never seen before. In this day and age, this could be quite unwise. What it is saying, is that from time to time we will meet people who are in need and they may be strangers to us. Rather like the Good Samaritan who went to the aid of someone who had been badly beaten and helped him, we will have the opportunity to do similar. It will be our choice to help or walk on by.

This is demonstrating brotherly love and must be said that, brotherly love is always others-focused, it is never selfish. It is interesting to know that God sends angels to us occasionally. We may have been praying for something and not received the answer yet. God can send us an angel to speak with us about this or He can use someone we know or, it could be a stranger. 

The Greek word translated angels can also mean messengers; they may be divine or human messengers. Therefore, we should always be prepared to show hospitality and respect to someone, we never know who they are. When I was in school, the popular phrase at that time was, 'Be courteous on your way up because you never know who you may meet on your way down'. There is a truth here. If we are in a high position and we become pompous to an individual, one day that individual, may be in charge of us - what goes round comes around. So we should always display hospitality because it opens doors and when we do, we may be helping a messenger of God without realising it. Just think for a moment, you may have entertained an angel at some time and you never knew it. Reading this scripture, it is more possible than you realise. One day we will find out. 

We should never focus too much on our own problems neglecting those who are worse off. Let's face it, most of our problems are nothing in comparison to other people's, especially those in deprived areas and countries. One way we can help out families in these areas, is to find a Christian organisation that offers support to those in need. For a very small donation or a regular tithe or some type of voluntary work, it can change a person's life and if we can do that, we are making a difference in the world and also showing brotherly love.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                   

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