Thursday, 24 February 2022

Jesus holds your future in His hands

"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!                                                         Psalm 27:14    NKJV 

Are you a patient person or completely the opposite? For the impatient person, this verse may be a 'no no'. Not many people like waiting for things; supermarket checkout queues come to mind and traffic jams the next. Have you noticed that these things tend to happen when you have a lot of things to attend to and, this all leads to the stress of the situation? However, when God tells us to wait, there is no way around it, we have to wait. Sometimes we may wait for a short time, at other times, it may seem forever; just look at Joseph in prison, he was there several years. However, he had the trust in God to wait patiently and it paid off for him.

Stuart Hamblin, a Christian singer songwriter, writes in one of his songs, 'I know not what the future holds but I know who holds the future.' This is so true; we don't know what's around the next bend but we have a Saviour who does and who we can trust to lead the way for us. 
Warren W Wiersbe writes, 'If Jesus is your Saviour and Lord, then the future is your friend and you have nothing to fear.'

As we can see from our text today, as we begin to wait for the Lord, He encourages us to be of good courage and then He shall strengthen our heart. This is quite important as our health must be taken care of. Many people when they have been stressed out, have had strokes or heart attacks purely because they have allowed themselves to become so agitated and worried about something that their heart has failed. Don't let this happen to you. Take care of yourself. God is telling each of us to wait patiently for whatever it is we are expecting and allow God to fill us with His courage, strengthening us so much that joy becomes a major strong point in out lives.

As we wait for the Lord, we demonstrate confident expectation. The Hebrew word for 'Wait' can be translates as, 'Hope'. To hope in God is to wait for His timing and His action. RT Kendall always says, 'He's never early, He's never late, He's always on time'. And this is so true. Allow yourself to drop down a gear and just cruise along with Jesus, in fact, let Him drive while you rest. He always knows best and He always has your best interests at heart.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                   

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