Friday, 18 February 2022

Jesus the True Shepherd

"But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep"    John 10:1-5    NKJV

In the minds of the Jewish leaders, a shepherd was any kind of leader, spiritual or political; people looked on the king and the prophets as shepherds. They should have been Israel's spiritual shepherds but, they were spiritually blind. This is why Jesus highlighted the difference between shepherds and thieves.

Thieves and robbers did not enter through the door of the sheep pen; they would climb over the wall and enter the fold through deception. If they did manage to get in, the sheep would never follow them for sheep, whose eyesight is not good, would only follow the voice of their own shepherd. False shepherds can never lead the sheep, so they must steal them away. When Jesus came to the nation of Israel, He came by the appointed way as the scriptures promised.

Every true shepherd must be called and sent by God. If he truly speaks God's Word the sheep will follow - they will know His voice and will not be afraid. The true shepherd will love and care for his sheep. This is probably why a lot of churches don't thrive and only have a small following. It may be that the pastor is either in the wrong place or, he has not been called by God in the first place. They are known by their fruit and the people will only follow who feeds, nutures and encourages them by God's Word.

Satan and his followers have no concern for the well-being of the sheep, they enter the sheep pen for their own gain. The true shepherd offers safety, security and loving care, this is why the sheep follow him or her. When you are next in a field where sheep are present, try and approach them and you will see that they run away. Why is this? It's because you are a stranger to them and they do not recognise you at all. They will not follow you no matter where you try to lead them. They are familiar with their own personal shepherd, they have a personal relationship with them and this is akin to your own personal relationship with Jesus. 

Jesus is our personal shepherd, He loves, cares and guides us. He knows the way and He will lead us accordingly. Don't be tempted to veer off the right path. Things may not always go how you would like them to go but, if Jesus is leading, you are on the right way because, He is the way, the truth and the life. No matter what, your personal shepherd has laid down His life for you.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                   

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