Saturday, 12 March 2022

The devil in disguise

"Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the LORD God had made."                                              Genesis 3:1   Christian Standard Bible (CSB) 

Be very careful, the devil is very cunning and he will trap you, lie to you and convince you that, what is wrong, is actually right. 'It's ok, you'll be ok,' type of thing. God intended that the husband should be the head of the house; it was an ordained rule. It is still the same today. The husband should be the head of the Christian marriage, he is responsible to God for it. However, a word to husbands, this doesn't mean that you should rule with a rod of iron having your wife standing by the bed each morning for a kit inspection. You can try this if you want to but, I guarantee that you may have to pack your bags and leave pretty quickly. Being the head of the marriage is not like this. The husband should love his wife as Christ loved the church and treat her as if she is a precious vessel that could so easily break if treated in a wrong way.

The serpent however, wanted to twist God's direction and therefore avoided Adam and spoke directly to Eve. As he so often does, he misquoted God's words. God had said, 'You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat it, you will certainly die'  Genesis 2:16-17. The serpent said to Eve, 'Did God really say that you couldn't eat from any tree in the garden or you will die?' v1-4 Eve replied that they could eat of any tree in the garden except, the tree in the middle. They were not even allowed to touch it.

A word to the wise; know your scripture. God had not said this, whether God had told her directly  or Adam had relayed this to her later, she had not listened properly. This is so dangerous; scripture must never be altered, misquoted or made to fit the situation. Stick to what God says. This led the serpent to tell Eve that she wouldn't die. In other words, he was intimating that God was holding out on her or she had heard it wrong and that sin doesn't really carry any consequences.

At this stage, Adam should have put a stop to it and said, 'Serpent, get out of my garden.' He had the right to do this, God had placed him in charge but instead he remained quiet and ate the forbidden fruit and death and sin entered the world. One question that comes to mind is, why didn't he shout for God to help. He was in the garden because He often walked around it v8. But he didn't take authority and he didn't shout for God's help. He failed in his role. It's easy to blame Adam. A lot of people have said it was Eve's fault but the bottom line is, Adam should have taken responsibility of the situation. He was to blame.

Husband and wife, take your place, work as a team but husband, remember that God holds you responsible for spiritual care. 
Heed scripture properly, listen, study and apply it
Be careful of the the devil, he is a trickster
Take authority straightaway

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                   

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