Thursday, 17 March 2022

What a difference obedience produces

"The Word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time. 2 'Get up! Go to the great City of Nineveh and preach the message that I tell you. 3 Jonah got up and went to Nineveh according to the LORD's command."                         Jonah 3    CSB

What a major difference to Jonah's last call to obedience. This time he got up, got ready and began the three day journey to this great city. Just think for a moment about the difference God makes in a person's life. When a person meets with Jesus they are changed; they are not perfect by all means but, the changes are evident. What a difference God makes to our situation, we can be in the deepest of problems but a call to Him can bring total rescue.

Jonah was full of God's power as he began to preach out God's message. (By the way, God's message changes things, our own pre-fabricated message, the one with little sign of the Holy Spirit, does very little. Ensure you have the power behind you). Jonah had this message of fire and it spoke directly to the people of Nineveh. They believed; a fast was proclaimed and they put on sackcloth. (Sackcloth is a coarse fabric made of goat's hair which was worn to express grief, sorrow and repentance). The king of Nineveh reinforced this proclamation and issued a decree that they must honour the fast, and call on God, repenting of their wicked ways, 'Who knows? God may turn and relent; He may turn from His burning anger so that we will not perish' v9. God showed them tremendous grace by giving them a window of forty days to get their house in order, the result being that He relented and gave them a chance.

As we know, earlier Jonah had rebelled against God and ran away, the result being that He ended up in a place he didn't really want to be, - in a huge fish. When we disobey God, refusing to do what He asks, we too, can end up in our own personal fish - no job, no money, things going wrong all the time and problem after problem. It doesn't always end this way but it might. If you refuse to do what God wants, you may even miss out on major blessings. God will not change His mind but, He can adjust to changes in a person when they repent. He can also get you through something that you find impossible.

If you want to be blessed, remain in obedience

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                   

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