Friday, 15 April 2022

He never misses a chance to show us His love

"Pilate, therefore wishing to release Jesus, again called out to them. 21 But they shouted saying, 'Crucify Him, crucify Him."                            Luke 23:20-21    CSB 

It is now Good Friday and Jesus has had to suffer heavy questioning from the Sanhedrin, Pilate and Herod. He has had no sleep and has had to face trumped up charges against Him together with a somewhat unfair trial. Finally a bewildered and procrastinating Pilate, hands Jesus over to be beaten and crucified.
Soldiers mocked Him, slapped and spat at Him, pulled out His beard and then flogged Him with the most barbaric form possible - a leather whip interlaced with sharp stones and broken pottery. Each lash ripped His back to shreds. They wound a crown of thorns and forced it on to His head. The thorns were possibly about two inches long, so one could imagine the pain that He suffered. They then paraded Him around to humiliate Him in front of the crown, many hungry for His blood and the excitement of the kill. He was then placed on a wooden cross and had long nails hammered into His hands and feet and He was finally hoisted up between two criminals who had also been crucified.

One of the crucified men at the side of Jesus started verbally abusing Him, challenging Him to come down off the cross and save Himself and the two of them. He carried on blaspheming Jesus Luke 23:39. The other criminal rebuked Him saying that Jesus was innocent and shouldn't have been here, whereas they were both guilty. He turned his head to Jesus and said, 'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom'. Jesus' reply was breathtaking, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise' V43 NKJV.

This is the kind of love Jesus demonstrates. None of us, just like the criminal, deserve His love and forgiveness, but when we call to Him with repentance we receive it. Just think for a moment, none of the pain and suffering that Jesus had suffered these past couple of days could prevent Him from demonstrating love in action. His body was broken, people were laughing and insulting Him, others waiting for Him to perform a miracle and come off the cross, and He was in agony and yet, a criminal who deserved to be on the cross called to Him and, Jesus' ears were opened and He gave the man Paradise. Amazing.
His grace is enormous; His kindness eternal. He knows what it is to suffer and, He knows what it feels like to be let down and disappointed. You may have been let down recently, your world may be shattered but, hey, this is the reason that Jesus hung on the cross and died for YOU! He can take all of those let downs and disappointments; all of the pain and humiliation, in fact, He wants to change your life right now. Why not allow Him to:

'Lord Jesus, please come into my life and help me. Please take away the hurt and the pain and be my friend. I am sorry for all the bad things that I have done in my life. Please forgive me Lord and fill me with Your Spirit and be my friend. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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