Wednesday, 27 April 2022

He sees you, walks towards you and has complete control

"Take courage! It is I (I AM)! Stop being afraid"     
                                                                       Mark 6:45-52   Amplified Study Bible

Following the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus sent the, baffled and confused disciples, over to the other side of the water. He went up a mountain to pray and no doubt intercede for the disciples. He knew a windstorm was imminent and would develop whilst they were at sea.

It was about the forth watch (3am-6am) when the storm hit and He saw the disciples straining to keep the boat moving and safe. It is so comforting to realise that He has our back, praying and interceding for us; we would never make it alone.

He walked towards them - on the water. He not only intercedes but also walks towards us and beside us. He does this to ensure that all is well. In fact, He is constantly watching over us. He walked near to the boat but, acted as if He was going to walk by. Why would He want to walk by them when they were in peril? Two explanations could be (1) He may have been checking that they were ok and if they were, He wouldn't have wanted to humiliate them; don't forget, some of them were experienced fishermen and boat handlers. (2) He may have been wanting to encourage them to exercise their faith, after all, they had just witnessed a might miracle with the feeding of the five thousand.

Whatever the reason, they were terrified when they saw someone walking on the water towards their boat, wouldn't you have been? I mean, it's not an everyday experience is it? They thought He was a ghost as they didn't recognise Him and wouldn't have expected to see Him out there if they did. They cried out. Now this may have been another explanation why He was going to walk by. Could He have been wanting them to cry out to Him for help? This is what He wants us all to do when we're in peril. He told them to 'Take courage! It is I (I AM)! Stop being afraid." With that, He got into the boat and the storm calmed down, demonstrating His power and complete control over His creation.

 Jesus says the same to us too. He wants us to be full of courage, I AM is in the boat with us, there is no reason to be afraid at all. He sees us, walks towards us and has complete control over everything. Take this on board and enjoy your day

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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