Friday, 29 April 2022

If they preach Jesus, that's all that matters

"Some, it is true, are (actually) preaching Christ out of envy and rivalry (toward me) - for no better reason than a competitive spirit or misguided ambition; but others out of goodwill and a loyal spirit (toward me) v15       Philippians 1:15-18   Amplified Study Bible 

At the time of writing this Epistle to the Philippians, Paul was in prison awaiting his trial. He began hearing stories about people preaching who didn't belong to the brotherhood. The protestors were concerned but Paul, despite his surroundings, remained calm and controlled about it all. 

Let us look at what was happening; some were preaching out of love, loyalty and goodwill but, others for Selfish gain? Insincerity? Selfish ambition? and Self promotion? I have written these accusations down with question marks so that you can decide if they were in the wrong or were right.

Take today, for instance; we have TV Evangelists and Prosperity Preachers. They are often suspected of lining their own pockets from the 'Tithes and Offerings' that they ask for. The evidence, we are told, is their fancy lifestyles - living in mansions and having their own airlines etc. But is this wrong? What does Paul say about it all? Read in v16:
'What then (does it matter)? So long as in every way, whether in pretence (for self promotion) or in all honesty (to spread the truth) Christ is being preached, and in this I rejoice.'
To paraphrase this, it would probably read, 'as long as Jesus is preached, this is all that matters.'

At the end of the day, God knows people's hearts and their motives; if they are in the wrong, He will know about it and deal with it accordingly. However, if Jesus is preached and people are saved, this will go a long way with Him too. We have to be wise, yes, but we need to be careful that we are not in judgement over them. Paul rejoiced, as long as Jesus was preached and souls saved, this was ok with him. Leave the rest to God.

Sometimes, we may not like the look of someone who preaches; perhaps they have tattoos, ear rings and have long hair. Perhaps they may crack jokes whilst they are preaching. However, if they are preaching Jesus, so be it. They may be very young; they may be very old. but, God is not into ageism - He is into Jesus and this is where we should be too

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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