Monday, 16 May 2022

Pay attention Part 2

 "Listen closely to my sayings, 21 don't lose sight of them; keep them within your heart" v20-21                                                                          Proverbs 4: 20-22 CSB

When Solomon says, 'keep them within your heart,' he is saying, 'Live them'. We need to have that word alive within us - Logos to Rhema. Once it is alive, we will know it and so will others too.

To live our lives God's way, requires meditating and concentrating on His Word on a daily basis - hence we need to 'pay attention' to all that we hear and then live it out. God's Word brings life to us; it provides good health to our whole body as we confess His truth. In fact, these Words are God's prescription for health.

It may sound repetitious or to be truthful, like nagging; but the bottom line is God's Word is our foundation - He is the Alpha and the Omega. Things need to be reinforced many times before we grasp hold of the meaning properly. Look at the training of a puppy. When we first have them they are a wonderful blessing to our lives. However, pretty soon we realise that if we don't take control, we are going to be taken over by that little furry thing. The dog needs to be trained - the basic things at first such as its toilet habits. The dog needs to know the rules - that it must go outside for this. This may be the garden or on a walk. With persistence, this usually works but we need to 'pay attention' to this detail. From thereon, the dog is trained the 'do's' and 'don'ts' of the house. It doesn't happen over night but, eventually we get there.

We need to have a willingness to learn; paying attention doesn't usually work if we are stubborn about what we do. We don't know it all, as much as we think we do, there are many things that we need to 'pay attention' to such as honesty in speech. It is no casual thing, we need to train ourselves that only honesty (not exaggerated words) are spoken. We also need to train our eyes to only look at wholesome things, just a glance at what we shouldn't look at, can cause us to sin (Genesis 3).

Attention is required on all of these for us to be the way God created us to be. Yes it is tough to get it right but, be encouraged, you are making good progress

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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