Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Pay attention. Part 4

"Don't let your mouth speak dishonestly, and don't let your lips talk deviously"        
                                                                                              Proverbs 4:24   CSB 

We saw yesterday how we should be careful about what comes out of our mouths when we speak. Let us build upon this important area. To be dishonest with our words, we begin to lie, and dishonesty and lies = deceit. This is why Solomon tells us not to allow our lips to speak deviously. When we are devious, we become insincere and avoid the truth; we are also prone to mislead people.

It's the same with perversity. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:29, 'No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear.' Have you ever stopped to think that when we speak bad language and are involved in course joking, we are listening to ourselves as we speak? It doesn't impart grace upon us, that's for sure. Also, other people listening, what do they think about what we say? They probably know about our faith, so don't you think they may consider, 'I thought they were Christians'. Don't for one moment believe the devil's lies that when we act in such a way, we are just showing them that Christian's can be normal. We are above normal because we belong to Jesus and are His ambassadors. Do you realise that when we talk in this way, the Holy Spirit becomes so sad?

We need to have sound speech that cannot be condemned. Titus 2:8 says, 'You message is to be sound beyond reproach, so that any opponent will be ashamed because he doesn't have anything bad to say about us.' Again in Colossians 4:6, 'Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person.'

Please do not think that you are a hopeless case. We are all in the same mould and in constant training to win the race. We all say and think the wrong things at times, Jesus knows this. But we have to keep pressing on, never giving up the fight. This is where determination comes in and takes centre stage. We all need a heavy dose of this to be able to get through the trip flares and traps that come our way; we also need to have determination to be able to be in control. Let us ask God to bless us with a massive dose of determination so that we can succeed in our walk.

Lord Jesus, we try so hard to live the Christian life but, at times it's like the harder we try, the less success we have. Please fill us with the determination to overcome the barriers that come our way. Holy Spirit please come. In Jesus' Name. Amen 

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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