Friday, 10 June 2022

Desire the Pure Milk

"Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the Word, so that you may grow up into your salvation."                                                                   1 Peter 2:2   CSB 

My daughter's cat has recently given birth to four kittens and I was watching them the other day as they scrambled over each other to get to the milk that they so needed to grow healthy. It was sheer panic as they began to strive to have this need met. It reminded me of how much, young and occasionally, older Christians need the milk of the Word of the Lord.

One thing these kittens wouldn't do, is to make sure that they had a good feed up on a Sunday so that, it would last them the whole week. They need to feed regularly - everyday to be able to grow. Think about that for a moment, some Christians do this. They attend church on a Sunday, take notes and then return home hoping that what they have learned, will last them the whole week. They do nothing in-between by way of reading a bible - if they have one, and expect to get through a busy working week without any Spiritual food. This does not work, we need to grow and the only way we will, is by partaking of the right food - the Word of God.

Be brutally honest with yourself, throughout your week, what percentage of time is given to spending time with God, reading your bible, praying or just enjoying God's presence? There is no set limit of time, but if you are wise, why not allot a fair amount of time to Him. Yes, you need to work, take care of the family, shop, look after the home and garden and a host of other things, this is true. However, without Him, you may not have the things that you have such as, your family, nice home and job. He is your overall provider; He gives you health, wealth and your life in general. In return, He wants some time with you.

He is a great manager of time, therefore ask Him to give you a workable, daily timetable and stick to it wherever possible. You may have to be flexible, but try and avoid altering the time spent with God, after all, this is a priority - your most important part of the day. This is where and when, you receive the Spiritual food to live on each day.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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