Thursday, 30 June 2022

If you don't know what to say - say nothing!

"Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut"   
                                                                                  Proverbs 10:19    NLT

Ecclesiastes 3:7 says there's, 'A time to keep silence and a time to speak.' This is a wisdom-packed word from God. We need to watch what we say or, we can end up in hot water. The Criminal Justice System, allows a suspect being questioned by police, to say, 'No Comment' to a particular question. The solicitor defending, knows that the suspect may say something that would go against their case if taken to court. This obviously prevents the police receiving an answer and they proceed with the interview. However, the suspect knows that it could harm their case as the jury could think that they have something to hide. At times, this method can help the suspect because, if they were to answer, they could say something that will entrap them later.

Our words are very powerful and there can be wisdom in remaining silent. We too, could open a can of worms by saying the wrong things when in a conversation. A glance at how Jesus handled His accusers concerning the woman caught in adultery, gives us a good example how to act (John 8:1-12). In verse 5, wanting to test and accuse Jesus, the Scribes and the Pharisees asked Him for His opinion of whether she should be stoned as Moses had commanded in the Law, or not. Jesus remained quiet for a few moments and then gave them a more, convicting answer, 'He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.' This cleared the place.

We too can be forced into a similar situation and if not careful, can blow our whole witness by not remaining quiet. Once we retaliate to someone's accusations, we can be entering the devil's territory. We can end up saying things that will cost us at a later date. It is far better to have control over yourself.

Be honest, how many times have you been drawn into some volatile conversations and ended up with egg on your face. When this happens, fingers point, there may be no words said about it to your face but, behind your back the jungle drums begin to sound and you walk around with a heavy load of shame. Shall I put my hand up first?

Isn't it better to train yourself to keep quiet; to consider the situation and decide if it is worth becoming involved? You know it makes sense.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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