Friday, 3 June 2022

Jesus - My Shepherd. Part 1

"The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want"             Psalm 23:1    NKJV

This verse can be split into two parts as follows:

Here David writes that, 'The LORD (Yahweh) is my Shepherd'. Note the emphasis on the word 'is.' It's a small word with a big meaning. The New King James Bible puts this as italicised to give this emphasis so that it reads in a more personal, and therefore, powerful way - 'The LORD is my Shepherd. There is no doubt when we declare it this way. It reads and sounds more meaningful than the more generalised 'is'. It is telling our listening world and ourselves also, that we have a Shepherd; He is ours and His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

This phrase means - Yahweh - Yireh, 'The LORD will provide' Genesis 22:14. It can also be described as 'The LORD will see to it.' I tend to like this. In Genesis 22, we see Abraham willing to sacrifice his son, Issac. As he climbs Mount Moriah to perform this sacrifice for the Lord, God tells him to stop; he has proven his faith and commitment to the Lord and God provides a ram which has been caught in a thicket, for the sacrifice. God tested Abraham's faith and dedication and it was rock-solid. Therefore, He provided an alternative.

Jesus is our Shepherd and He will provide all we need and more (John 10:10b & Ephesians 3:20). A Shepherd guides, loves, directs and provides for his sheep. We are the sheep of Jesus' pasture; He will be there for us 24/7. He knows all of our needs and all of our cares too. He is adequate for every need we will ever have.

We may stray away from this pasture and He will come looking for us. He won't interfere however, as we have our own will. But if we call to Him for help, He is guaranteed to help and rescue us from all danger and trouble.

Do you need rescuing at the moment? Is there something on your mind that you cannot settle or provide an answer for? He is interested in helping you, He will listen with patience and love because, He is the true Shepherd; and He cares more than you could ever realise.
Speak to Him, now.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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