Monday, 6 June 2022

Jesus - My Shepherd Part 4

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over."                                                   Psalm 23:5    NKJV 

Continuing in our study of Psalm 23, we arrive at verse 5. This can be split into two parts:

IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES - Yahweh - Nissi  The LORD is my banner. Ezk 17:15
The table referred to here is not the furniture type of table. It refers to a 'Feast - Something spread out'. Flat places in hilly country were often called 'tables' by shepherds. They would often allow the sheep to roam freely about as they fed there and were rested prior to going into their fold. The wide open spaces could be difficult for the sheep and shepherd, because of their many enemies. The shepherd would therefore keep a close eye on them.

We too, have many enemies and often have to go into wide, open spaces throughout our day. However, when our Shepherd is with us, the enemy can't get to us easily. Therefore, we can get on with our lives as we feast at the 'table' in the presence of our enemies.

ANOINT MY HEAD - Yahweh - M'Qadash - The LORD who sanctifies us  Leviticus 20:8
When the sheep are feeding at the 'table', it is possible that they may eat a poisonous plant or become injured in some way. They may even become dehydrated. The shepherd would have a large jug of water to meet their thirst and oil to heal their wounds. As they returned to their folds, he would inspect each one of them, placing oil on their wounds and generally rubbing oil over their head and horns to prevent infection from flies and other insects. 

God's provision never runs dry; it didn't for David and it won't for you either. You will have enemies and you will tread on difficult ground but, your Shepherd will be with you every inch of the way. He will anoint you with oil and His cup will run over because, He will give you more than enough to live with - a superabundance - John 10:10. At times, you may not realise it but, His banner is over you and He has sanctified you as well. Feast at His 'table' with joy - the strength to get you through each and every situation. You are anointed and loved.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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