Friday, 17 June 2022

Live now, pay later

"The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is a slave to the lender."  
                                                                                           Proverbs 22:7   CSB

This is such a contentious area - should we borrow money or have a no debt policy. We should always live within our means; an excessive loan can become a form of bondage to some people.

Unless we are fortunate to be able to buy a house outright, without having to get a mortgage, then we will need to approach the bank. This is a massive chunk of money and for many, will be the largest amount of money they will ever have to take on.

Therefore, the title of today's reading - 'Live now, pay later', becomes a positive issue in our lives because, when the mortgage is paid off, we will owe no more. We have lived through this period and now the payback is, freedom from the debt. The negative part of 'Live now, pay later', is that it is so easy to allow our credit cards to do the taking, 'We'll buy this today and pay it off when the bill comes in at the end of the month.' This is fine to do this; however, many don't and when the bill comes in, only pay the small amount leaving a balance carried over. This soon mounts up and the credit card becomes a large part of life and before too long, the credit card limit is breeched.

We should always avoid excessive debt and this can be done by living within our means. Once a person is in debt, the lender begins to have the power over them and the borrower becomes the slave. 

If you are in debt then do something about it. It can't be hidden away, things will only become worse if you try this. There are many debt counsellors around but perhaps the starting point should be to approach the lender, explaining the situation. They will listen and attempt to negotiate a sensible repayment plan. If you don't do this, things will just become worse.

Talk to Jesus about this but, I am sure He will favour approaching the lender with an honest approach. Jesus will help you but, don't expect Him to pay it. He can and He might but it's unlikely because, it is a learning curve for you. He will though, be with you every inch of the way.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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"And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise."                                                            ...