Wednesday, 1 June 2022

The God of 'No More'

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, death will be no more, grief, crying and pain will be no more, because the previous things have passed way."  
                                                                                          Revelation 21:4   CSB 

Many of us have suffered from the things mentioned above, and more. What about disappointments, rejection and failure? These have been prominent in most of our lives too. However, when we get to heaven, these will all have passed away. Until then, we have the help and support of the Holy Spirit to allow us to overcome these areas.

We all know that this is not easy; one almost wants Jesus to end the pain and suffering now, not later. We are 'Now' people and find it difficult to cope with what the world throws at us. It can make us ask, 'Why do we have to go through all the pain and suffering when we belong to a loving God? I suppose this can be summed up in the suffering Jesus had to go through. The Father allowed His one and only precious Son to be ransomed for us, so that we could be redeemed - purchased back from our sinful lives, so that our names could be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, as we repented.

Incidentally, Have you considered this fact; one day everyone will have to stand before Jesus to give an account of our lives? Those with their names written in this Book of Life, will have immediate access into heaven because Jesus paid the price of their sin. Those who are not recorded in this Book, will be thrown into the lake of fire Revelation 20:15. This is serious stuff and why we need Jesus so much.

I like what Tony Evans writes concerning this:
'When God writes your name in the Book of Life, He does so in ink - not pencil'
This means, once your name is there, no one can rub it out, it is permanent, God does not change His mind.

No more will you have to suffer, no more will you be ripped off or subject to scams and no more will anyone cheat on you. God has written a cheque in your name and it says, 'Paid in Full'. Until that day, we need to remember that we are Soldiers of the Living God and Jesus is our Commanding Officer. The difference here is, instead of Him remaining in the safety of the bunker, He goes with us, giving us the victory. Whether we live or die, we have the victory - our names are written in the Book. The God of 'No More' says so!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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