Saturday, 9 July 2022

An Upright Person

"Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful." 
                                                                                  Psalm 33:1   NKJV 

The Psalmist here, mentions the term, 'the upright'. What actually is this and what is the definition? To be upright is to be Godly, pure, righteous, honest, just and obedient. When God receives praise and worship in such a way, it is beautiful. It comes from a Spirit-controlled life.

To give an example of this in action, let us look at Joseph who, after being sold into slavery by his own brothers, was placed as a servant in a house in Egypt. After a short time the wife of the house, who was attracted to him, accused him of attempted rape and he was thrown into prison. Just stop and consider this for a moment, Joseph was totally innocent and yet found himself subjected to all of this unfair treatment. Wow, how would you have felt? 
Tony Evans comments on this: 

'God will often take you on a path that doesn't make sense because only He knows the surest way to your destiny.'   Copyright Tony Evans

Joseph found himself in a filthy prison but, instead of feeling angry and sorry for himself, he began to praise his God and to make the most of what he had. After a while, he gained a good reputation which was noticed by the keeper of the prison. The keeper could see that in whatever Joseph did, it was blessed and realised that he carried the favour of God. He therefore placed all of the prisoners under Joseph's authority and left him totally in charge. So Joseph became a somebody in prison because of his integrity. God was with him in all he did. 

God allowed Joseph to go through all of this to build his character and prepare him for what was ahead; and this happens at times. When my wife and I were at a particular bible college, we met a young man with a similar background. God had given him a prison ministry but he had refused to do this. One day, when catching a train, he was arrested on a drugs charge and he was later imprisoned. He was totally innocent. He realised that God had allowed this, so he began speaking to fellow prisoners about Jesus. Pretty soon, the case was dismissed and he was released. A prison ministry started almost straightaway.

Joseph was an upright person and, because of this, he received God's favour. God wants the same from you and He wants you to be ready for whatever comes your way. Are you?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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