Friday, 15 July 2022

Don't be a copy of someone else

"Therefore, be imitators of God as dearly loved children."   Ephesians 5:1   CSB 

Do you know who you are? Better still, does God know who you are? Let me explain. Human nature puts within each of us, the desire to be like someone else. A hero from a movie, sports star or a musical bigshot, to name just a few, can draw us to them and we begin to take on part of their personality. This is why some people begin to dress and look like their hero - curly hair, make up, long hair, short hair or even no hair and rounded off with pierced everything. The problem is, if someone continues like this for a long time, they can forget who they really are and were created to be, because they are gradually turning into someone who they shouldn't be.

The fictional character Walter Mitty was created by author James Thurber. Mitty used to daydream and live out his fantasies believing he was a great war hero on dangerous missions, a pilot more skilled than any other pilot, a famous film star or any other figure that would give him an escape from realism. As funny as the book and film were, the character was also sad because he couldn't be who he should be - himself.

Well renowned Christian author, John Mason said, 'You were born an original, don't die a copy.' These are great words of wisdom. God created you just as you are. The only one He wants you to copy is Jesus. This is why Paul wrote, 'be imitators of God'. He is the only one worth being like. The old Walter Mitty syndrome needs to be cast aside. You are who God created you to be; stop trying to model yourself on another person.

We can and do, have mentors, but this doesn't mean we become them; we model ourselves on what they are helping us to achieve and receive their guidance to bring this about. This is why a sports person has a coach. However, the best mentor and coach is Jesus. We are doing it right, when we take on the desire to be just like Him. We begin to know who we really are this way and notice what needs to be changed. We also live in reality. We don't need fantasy and adventure to be happy; we just need Jesus. He is all we need.

When you become more like Jesus, instead of someone else; you'll be surprised how many people notice this and are drawn to you.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...