Monday, 18 July 2022


 Many warned him to keep quiet, but he was crying out all the more, 'Have mercy on me, Son of David.' 49 Jesus stopped and said, 'Call him'."      Mark 10:48-49   CSB    

If there is one thing that will get Jesus' attention, it is persistence. This is how Bartimaeus was this day. He had heard of Jesus and he secured a place  along the road that Jesus would be walking on and, he waited. He may have been there some time, we don't know, but crowds were forming because of the interest in Jesus. 

After Jesus had arrived and Bartimaeus had been persistently calling out to Him, people began telling him to be quiet, but he persisted and gained Jesus' attention. Jesus stopped and had him brought to Him. 'What do you want Me to do for you?' He asked. Bartimaeus told Jesus that he wanted to see and, he saw, because Jesus healed him.

Notice that Bartimaeus was not going to give up, he was persistent. Also notice that, there is no class barrier with Jesus. Bartimaeus was a beggar but he received the same attention anyone would receive. Some people will always try to keep us quiet when it comes to Jesus. To them, He is an embarrassment and, they'll do all they can to stop you. This is seen in the workplace quite a lot; mention Jesus in some environments and you may be warned and then, if you persist, possibly fired. You see, the Name of Jesus is powerful and it can cause conviction to fall on people. They may tend to accuse you of protesting about what the bible says is evil. When doing this, they can be quite hostile in their treatment. But don't let that stop you; you are not there to be an evangelist but a worker. However, you have the right to voice your opinions should you be asked. Don't be put off, or tend to compromise.

Be persistent; also don't ever feel inferior to another person because of your upbringing or the fact that your educational achievements don't match theirs. If Jesus accepts you, that's good enough. Never allow people to intimidate you because you are not as eloquent as the next person. You don't have to speak posh to speak to Jesus; He never intimidates. Remember, He spent time with the deprived, the poor, the lonely and those from off the streets and' He showed them love and empathy. This is why Bartimaeus had the courage to persistently shout out, 'Have mercy on me, Son of David'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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