Saturday, 6 August 2022

Better times are ahead

But I trust in You, LORD, I say, 'You are my God." 15 The course of my life is in Your power."                                                                      Psalm 31:14-15   CSB 

You may have been through a rough time just lately; a time where it's hard to realise the way forward. Well-meaning people may have tried to offer counsel and advice but sadly, it has not helped. You may feel alone and unwanted. This is what grief and other hurtful things, put upon us. Probably all you want to do is crawl into your shell and rest there, forever.

All of this is understandable; when hurt visits us with its pain and sorrow, it is difficult to know what to do. You may be feeling numb and unable to make sense of what has happened. Whether you are bereaved; suffering a broken marriage, bankruptcy or other great loss in your life, you have entered the world of loss and with this, comes emptiness. The loss has brought change and you didn't want change and can't cope with the change. The loss of a loved one is possibly the hardest to negotiate because it is so final. Things may be said such as, 'Why has this happened to me; why now? It is so unfair."

Can I say that you are not alone with this sentiment. Right at this moment, many people are asking the same questions. Why?' Colin Murray-Parkes a leading psychologist on bereavement writes in his papers, 'Grief is the price we pay for love.' And this is so true. We give everything to the one's we love and when they are no longer there, there is a great void.

There is no quick fix for grief. There's a process that we all must go through whether we like it or not. Some can sail through the grief stage very swiftly; others can't and have a great struggle. We are all different. One thing you can be sure of, is God's help. He is there to offer you all the love and strength you need to make it through. Note in our text the words, 'You are my God'. No matter what we may go through, it is all in God's hands. Whether it be trouble or triumph, if we have put God in the driving seat, He will bring us through to victory.

Don's try to rush things; go at your own pace. You are in God's hands and He will get you though this pain and loss. Better things are ahead, but for now, take each step carefully. You need a little time to allow God to mend your heart. Just keep saying to Him, 'You are my God.'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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