Thursday, 25 August 2022

Rejoice in this day

"This is the day the LORD has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it."   
                                                                                         Psalm 118:24   CSB

There are two ways that we can view this verse: 
(1)  It is a prophetic word
(2)  It is a word directly from God that shows how we should live each day
Firstly, let's look at what David Guzik has to say about the prophetic parts of this verse:

"When Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22 (in Matthew 21:42Mark 12:10-11, and Luke 20:17), He did so in response to the praise and hosannas given to Him at what is commonly called the triumphal entry. Since this psalm is prophetically connected with that event, the day mentioned here can be prophetically understood as the day Jesus formally entered Jerusalem as Messiah and King.
i. It is true in a general sense that the LORD makes every day, and there is reason to rejoice and be glad in every day. Yet specifically, the day the LORD made to rejoice and be glad in was the day Jesus entered Jerusalem with hosannas welcoming Him as Israel’s Savior. If on that day human voices failed to rejoice and be glad, Jesus said that the very stones would cry out their praises and hosannas (Luke 19:40).
ii. There is also reason to believe, based on the chronology of Sir Robert Anderson, that the particular day of the triumphal entry was prophesied in Daniel’s prophecy of the Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-26). Anderson’s chronology is controversial and rejected by some, but as John Walvoord noted, “No one today is able dogmatically to declare that Sir Robert Anderson’s computations are impossible.”        Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik

This commentary gives us an in depth explanation of this verse and the true reason why each of us should be grateful that Jesus gave Himself for us.

Secondly, God speaks directly to each of us about how we should react on a daily basis towards God and each day we wake up. This day cannot be classed as yesterday or tomorrow, it is firmly discussing today and the choices we have to live through it. We have a choice to make each day of our lives. Some days can be good and some, not so good but, we have a choice to make about how we approach each day. We can often hear:
'It's a horrible day, I'll be glad when it's over.' You may have made this comment quite a few times. But let us take a look at the verse again, 'This is the day the LORD has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it.' When we say such things are we not disagreeing with God? Are we being ungrateful for another day of our lives, a day many wish they could take part in? 

Perhaps we need to look within ourselves and think what it would be like if God didn't give us another day to live. Days can be difficult to negotiate but it's the same for everyone - good and not so good days. However, we do have a choice to be grateful to God for giving us this day and then praising Him for it. Is that too much to ask?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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