Monday, 22 August 2022

What's it got to do with you?

"If I want him to remain until I come", Jesus answered, "what is that to you?" v22  
                                                                                           John 21:20-25  CSB

Straight talking from Jesus will always follow unwholesome behaviour and talk. Here, after being restored, Peter the rock, reverts to his pebble ego and starts asking, 'Lord, who is the one that's going to betray you?' And then looking around and seeing John following them, 'Lord, what about him?'

Jesus loves us very much but, He will have no favourites by giving them information about someone else that could lead to the promotion of rumours. This is why Jesus said, 'If I want him to remain until I come - what is that to you?' In other words, 'this doesn't concern you, so don't go there; just follow Me and do what I have told you. I may have something different for John to do.' 

Gossip, false accusations and telling tales are not for the person of God. Over the years, they have split churches and ruined ministries. They are always detrimental to church life. Gossip is so easily received as the truth and once ignited, spreads everywhere, and this is why Jesus didn't discuss anything about John. Check out v23, 'So this rumour spread to the brothers and sisters that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not tell him he would not die but, 'if I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?'

It didn't concern Peter what would happen to John, he had to decide if he was going to follow Jesus or not; and not interfere with what God is doing with someone else. And this includes each one of us as well. Charles Spurgeon commenting on this passage wrote:

I have come to the conclusion that, instead of trying to set all my Master's servants right at once, my first and most important work is to follow my Lord, and I think my brother, that it will be wise for you to come to the same conclusion.'

Jesus is interested in us and what we are doing, not about what we believe someone else should be doing. 'WHAT IS THAT TO YOU?'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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