Friday, 30 September 2022

A Repair Job

"And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolation of many generations."   Isaiah 61:4    NKJV 

Many Christians today feel left by the wayside. What they had hoped and prayed for has not happened and they're beginning to feel like it never will. If you firmly believe that God has spoken to you about your future - then don't give up on it! Abraham could have given up when God told him that Sarah would have a child. They were both very old and it was ridiculous to think this could happen. However, Abraham didn't waver at the promise through unbelief. He was fully convinced that what God had promised, He would fulfil Romans 4:17-22.

Stay in faith, even though you may be treated unfairly at work, home or in the church. Perhaps you didn't get that promotion; well that may be because God has something better in mind for you. You may be in a difficult relationship and your face may not fit in some quarters. Don't give up!

Consider that maybe, God wants to do a repair job on you, after all, He is a master builder. He can take the old and turn it into new, but you have to be willing because, He will not force you. It is worth considering that you may be trying to make it happen yourself. You can't do this, anymore than a 100 year old Abraham, couldn't make a 90 year old Sarah pregnant. You can't do it but, God can.

Write down what God actually told you. Don't add things, just write fact. It is doubtful that God gave you a time-frame when this promise would be birthed. So, pray what He actually told you and tell Him that you are prepared to wait - in faith. Waiting is difficult but, waiting in faith is harder because all of the doubts, and if you've told anyone, all of their negative comments, will try to convince you that you have it wrong. 

Abraham was fully convinced even though he would have been subject to be laughed at. But what about Noah building a boat on dry land, far from the sea? People thought he was crazy but boy, were they in for a shock Genesis 6 & 7.

Just place yourself before Jesus and allow Him to do a repair job - hurts from the past, present and doubts about the future. Allow Him to raise you up with encouragement, then He might feel that you're ready.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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