Sunday, 11 September 2022

Are you part of God's plan?

"For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved"   V13  
                                                                                    Romans 10:13-17   NKJV  

As we study this plan that God laid down, we can see that there are two parts that can be expounded. Let's look at the first part which is from the non-believers perspective:

Part 1 Looking at the text from v14-15, we can see clearly that Paul considers four questions that I have paraphrased:
1 How can you call on someone you haven't believed in? To believe in someone, they must be trustworthy and hold your attention. They need to be uppermost in your mind and all you do figures around them. But if you don't believe in them, it will be difficult for it to happen.
2 How can we believe in someone who you have not heard about? If you haven't heard about someone, then it can be incredibly difficult to believe in them. To believe and trust in someone, you have to know them.
3 How can you hear unless someone tells you? It usually requires someone to explain about Jesus to other people in order for them to understand. Even then, the Holy Spirit has to open their minds and hearts in order to respond.
4 Who will go and tell people this news? Isaiah 6:8-9 says, 'Whom shall I send and who will go for us?' Then I said, 'Here am I. Send me,' and He said, 'Go and tell this people'.

There are four questions written down in v14-15. Please read them for further clarification. People need the Gospel but, unless someone tells them, they may never know about Jesus. Points 1 and 2 here say it all; many people don't know about Jesus. Can you help here? Are you willing to go out on the streets and hand out tracts and speak to them? Or perhaps tell your neighbours, friends or family? Let's look at the next part which is for believers:

Part 2 It's a surprising fact that many professing Christians haven't a full knowledge of Jesus or, have no particular relationship with Him. Many avoid going too deep; by this I mean, having a relationship with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and operating in His gifts and displaying the fruit of the Spirit. Some have little understanding of these important parts of our walk. Many are happy to go to church each week and that is all. Keith Green used to say, 'Going to church each week doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than going to MacDonalds makes you a hamburger.' 

God wants more of you, in fact, everything. He gave you everything and continues to do this on an hourly basis Be part of His plan - learn, study, pray, listen to Him and then, share Jesus with those around you. How will they know unless you tell them?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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