Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Be in control of your thoughts

".. bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."  
                                                                               2 Corinthians 10:3-6  NKJV

It is imperative that we are in control of our thoughts. The devil wars against us and, this area is one of his main lines of attack. If he can get you thinking about the wrong type of things, he's happy.

In this day of incredible technology, temptation is unlimited. Porn is readily available 24/7 and the temptation can be so great that some, may find they are unable to avoid it because it has become an addiction. On most media platforms, we receive invitations to join sex groups. The offer of sexual activity is available if a person wants this.

Gambling sites tempt a person to become rich in a moment. They may offer teasing free go's so that the temptation to continue becomes greater. Many people fall into this trap ending up with large debts that they are unable to pay. Our children may be subjected to suicide sites, as highlighted in the news recently. What can be more evil that tempting a young person to end their lives?

Once a seed is sown into our thought life, it can be very difficult to avoid it. It can nag away until the temptation becomes so great, that sin is activated. Adultery is a big temptation. There appears to be a low level of values in our society today with feelings such as, 'It's ok, let's have some fun'. But the devil is a liar and the fun can soon turn into heartache, once found out.

Extreme discipline needs to be a part of our lives. This is why the Apostle Paul gave us this scripture. Read the four verses above and you'll see his remedy into dealing with our thoughts. We know when a bad thought enters our mind - we know it is temptation. Therefore, this is the time to put an end to it by calling upon Jesus and giving Him the thoughts so that He can help. This is taking the thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

This is serious business and one in which we need to be on guard. The devil is sly and crafty and, if you're not careful, he can trick you into falling for it. Don't even give him the chance!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                



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