Saturday, 3 September 2022

Beware of The Peter Principle

 "But you have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things."   
                                                                                                  1 John 2:20   NKJV

Each Christian has an anointing; the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within your life and given you gifts and talents. Another word for anointing is 'unction' translated from the Greek as Chrisma. This comes from the root Chrio and is the word that underlies Christ, which means Messiah or anointed.

Now some people have the anointing to preach, evangelise or teach. Others may be worship leaders or musicians. Each person has a gifting or anointing and it is an important part of God's work. The problems starts when anyone tries to step out of their own anointing and assume someone elses.

Back in 1969, Laurence J Peter wrote his book The Peter Principle. It carries quite a few truths about certain points. People slip into The Peter Principle when they promote themselves or are promoted to a job or position that they are not qualified for. The author states that many are promoted to a level of their incompetence. They may be in government, industry or even the church. Whereas they thrived in the position they held, they are elevated to a level that they can't cope with. In other words they have moved out of their anointing e.g. 'for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church'  1 Timothy 3:5.

Some people promote themselves by trying to do what someone else is already doing. They try to be what they are not. This is how competition starts where the un-anointed person tries to take over from the anointed one. We have to come to terms with our own anointing, whether we are in the Christian sector or the secular one. For example, if you are a brilliant sales person, it does not necessarily mean that you'll be a good sales manager; if the anointing isn't there, it will fail.

Accept what anointing God has given you and do it well. Stop wishing that you had someone else's anointing; this leads to jealousy and resentfulness. If God had wanted you to preach, you would be in the pulpit - NOW! But you are more valuable to God by doing what He has anointed you to do. Be realistic with your ambitions . 

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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