Wednesday, 21 September 2022

There's hope, don't give up

"Because of the LORD'S faithful love, we do not perish, for His mercies never end. 23 They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."   Lamentations 3:22-23  CSB

As each day closes, another one begins - a new beginning. Yesterday may have been full of woe, bad feeling and disappointment. But, today, given the chance, may be a better day; and God promises to share it with you.

It is so important to store scripture into your memory bank for when you need it. Verse 21 reads, 'Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope.' Thinking back to when God lifted you out of the miry clay, can be helpful. It gives hope, and hope is what you need in desperate times - biblical hope. It will carry you through these rough times.

Spurgeon said, 'If every day brings its trouble, every day also brings its mercy. No one can say that so truly as the person who has known what it is to prove God's great faithfulness in the midst of affliction.'

Bad times come but good times tend to follow. The sun may go down but, it will return, the same way as when the tide goes out, it will rush back in again. Samson was weak when his hair was cut, but when his hair began to grow back, so did his strength. You may cut your grass very short but, in such a short time it will grow back to its original length. In the same way, things may be a little difficult at this time but, joy and peace will return.

You may be walking through a storm right now. Life may have dealt you a bad hand and it hurts. God knows all about this and longs for you to allow Him to bring comfort and restoration once again. As rough seas eventually calm down, rough times do not always remain.

This is where your hope in God comes in. Psalm 42:5 tells us:
'Put your hope in God, for I will still Praise Him'
Notice the word 'Still.' The Psalmist was saying, 'No matter what is happening in my life at this time, I will still praise Him. He is still on the throne.'  (My paraphrase)

He is still on the throne - the throne of your life, if you keep Him there. Just gently praise His name and allow Him to wipe the tears away. There's hope, don't give up.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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