Sunday, 18 September 2022

Watch the Little Foxes

"Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes."                                               Song of Solomon 2:15   NKJV 

Little things can wreck a marriage or a relationship. Over time, little things can turn into big things, until there is an explosion and breakdown in the relationship. Deal with them early to avoid the things designed to break the partnership up.

In marriage, it is so easy to allow bickering to enter in. This may come from selfishness and lack of respect. Adultery is a big show-stopper, but many marriages breakdown because the little foxes have entered the relationship and are causing mayhem.

In other relationships, jealousy and competition can divide the friendship; it's the one-up-man-ship that begins to cause such things. Keeping up with Jone's and trying to compete in having the better car, bigger home and the most money.

In church, division may cause a church to split and completely ruin what God has started. Ministries falter through jealousies, favouritism, self-seeking, overwork and tiredness. Individual personalities may clash at times where a stronger personality attempts to rule the others.

At the end of the day, the little foxes can totally destroy a peaceful home and family; a church family, a ministry and an individual. One of the main problems is that we take our eye off the ball and allow little things to develop into major problems. Don't allow this to happen. Kick the ball into touch and take control.

A fox is a very sly and cunning creature. He is a spoiler of good things - destructive and determined. Our text tells us to 'Catch' us the foxes. This is the main ingredient to success. Be alert to what is happening around you; don't let things become stagnant. When you see the enemy attempting to get a foothold, nip him in the bud and send him packing. 

The little foxes (demons) may be sly and cunning but, Jesus is greater. Make sure you are surrounded by His presence at all times

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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