Monday, 24 October 2022

End Times are near Part 1

"Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" v5    Genesis 6:1-8  NKJV

In verse 4 of the NIV version of the bible, the giants were known as the Nepthilim - people of great size and strength (Numbers 13:31-33). The Hebrew word means Fallen ones. A popular
thought of bible scholars is that the Nepthilim were fallen angels who took on the human form of men who married the women - the daughter's of Adam. They were extremely lustful. The fallen angels were demonised and, their sexual activity and intimacy, led to a demoralised society. They were given over to the powers of darkness.  Sourced from the NIV, NKJV & CSB notes

God looked at the evil that was over the earth and was extremely hurt. People had become corrupt, shameful, obscene and full of depravity. This brought God into action, hence the flood. He issued a decree of total destruction. There was one man who pleased God and this was Noah, a most righteous man. God gave him the task of building an ark, miles away from any water, to save the animals and Noah's family, when the floods came. 

We have fallen a long way since then. Even though God wiped the earth clean, sin was still rampant and still is today. There are corrupt governments throughout the world. Evil spreads like a virus. Many people are totally controlled by greed and corruption. In addition to this, computer technology has made it possible to view pornography, sick videos and opportunities for certain people to groom children while online. Some websites promote the sick practice of encouraging children to commit suicide or take part in dangerous sexual practices. 
Then we have drugs, human trafficking, murder almost daily; stabbings on the streets, terrorism, people targeting groups in schools and churches and shooting them. Added to this, there are rapes and wars where family life is ripped apart by dictators intent on gaining power. To be a Christian in certain parts of the world is very risky with the threat of imprisonment, torture and even death unless they renounce Jesus. Gender values are being ripped apart with many church leaders, wanting to re-write part of the bible to bring it up to date.
When we view the current situation in the world today, one has to ask how long will God put up with all of this? We are living in a decaying world and the signs point to the fact that, Jesus may return very soon, to claim His church, His Saints, every person who has accepted Jesus as their Lord.

We've read the book, we know that we will have victory in the end. However, it leaves us with the questions - 'What about those who don't know Jesus?' 'What will happen to them?' The bottom line is - if they don't know Jesus, they will be left behind. Be determined to take as many people with you as you can, by telling them about Jesus. They need Him and if they or you, don't know Jesus as your Lord, then accept Him into your life right now.
More on this tomorrow. 

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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