Friday 14 October 2022

God's Daily Benefits

"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name." v1 
                                                                                               Psalm 103:1-5  NKJV  

Most places throughout the world have a benefit system where people on low income; are disabled or unable to work for some other reason, may receive benefits so that they can live as comfortably as possible. This helps people, but God has a better benefit system and this one is not means-tested. This is better than any other system; the benefits not only meet our needs but, they take care of everything we need.

The other day, I witnessed someone completing an in-depth form so they could claim Attendance Allowance - a benefit that qualifies certain people over retirement age, who have some type of disability. Question after question requested information of how the disability affected their daily lives. It made me think how God provides each believer with the best benefits available and, there are no forms to fill out to receive them either. The benefits are offered instantly.
Let's take a look at these benefits:
Forgiveness  No matter what we have done in the past or will do in the future, God forgives us as we repent, confessing this sin to Him.
Healing  God is our healer. He will heal us when we ask Him in faith. It may be an instant healing or, it may take some time and, He may not heal as we would expect Him to. Sadly for some, there appears to be no healing at all. There is no answer at times such as this, but, He can be relied on.
Redeems  He recovers our life from disaster as we turn to Him at conversion and, He continues to redeem us from all types of life events, even near death experiences.
Crowns  He is our King and He treats us like one as well, taking care of all issues that come against us.
Satisfies and Renews  He provides for us so that we are able to eat, drink and be clothed with nice garments. He provides us with family, a home and all we need. This may be something that we have not been used to so, it is a renewing process for some.

He does all of this on a daily basis. The KJV and NKJV both quote Psalm 68:19 as, 'Blessed be the LORD, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation.' He brings us a lorry load of benefits each day because, of His great love for us. This is why David wrote, 'Bless the LORD, O my soul (Mind, Will & Emotions)  and all that is within me (Everything we have) bless His holy name.'

He is our Lord, our King and our friend. He loves us more than I could ever explain here. Words fail when we think of the great compassion and faithfulness, He has for us. Just worship and thank Him

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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