"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 NKJV
Jesus had already told His disciples that He was the Light of the world (John 8:12), so what a compliment He was paying them, and us, that He wanted us all to be like Himself - a light of the world. This was not to be our own light however, but a refection of His Light to the world.
There is a certain radiance in this, reaching out from our heart to the hearts of whoever we meet. Jesus wants us lighting up the darkness wherever we are, so that our lights are visible to all.This means, not only in the church, but the supermarket, the restaurant, driving the car, at work, the workplace, in fact everywhere we are.
The light should shine in our daily language too, no matter what is happening to wind you up. You may be under pressure but, your light should still shine making the way clear for people. Shining your light for Jesus also means refusing to be party to certain things such as, unwholesome talk and behaviour. Lead, don't be led.
Be a guiding light. In Jesus' day, people lived in small homes with perhaps only one small window. Hence it was very dark. Therefore they used a utensil, very much like a gravy boat in which they poured oil and placed a wick. If they went out, they would place a cover, like a basket over the light to make it safe. The light was still burning underneath. When they returned they took the basket away and light flooded inside again. Note, don't ever let your light go out, let it remain lit.
Watch this, in verse 16, Jesus talks about letting people see your good deeds in the light. Now the word 'Good' in the Greek is a word called, kalos that means that a thing is not only good but, is captivating, beautiful and attractive. This is the good, that people should see in you. However, be humble about it. Don't draw attention to yourself, looking for a pat on the back. The glory must always go to Jesus, never ourselves.
Allow me to challenge you. Consider this and answer honestly:
Are you a light among your family at home, your friends, work colleagues and your community?
This is not to make you feel bad if you don't measure up. It is to demonstrate that this is never easy to perform. In fact, it can seem impossible at times. Jesus understands this and asks that you keep trying. He knows you will get there in the end. It just takes a little bit of discipline. Start by proclaiming that you are a 'Light in the world' and then aim to reach this goal. You can do it.
Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.
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