Sunday, 30 October 2022

Remember where you came from

"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off, have been brought near, by the blood of Christ."                                                   Ephesians 2:13   NKJV  

Part of my pastoral ministry back in the 90's, was working with the homeless, hurting and people with some type of addiction. In fact, a lot of people called them 'Down and Outs' - a typically discriminating label. We created a Day Centre in the basement of our church and God provided all we needed, carpeting, central heating, furniture, kitchen appliances, a shower and food. We needed to provide them with regular meals. We fed them, helped them with necessary forms, court support for who needed it, clothing and helped them find somewhere to live.

It was a hard ministry to be involved with and we had much criticism from people who didn't want this 'type of people' in the church. But we continued and, with an amazing crowd of volunteers, we had a successful ministry. Many asked Jesus into their hearts and attended the church. I remember one chap saying to me, 'I looked out to sea this morning and I felt so happy and grateful for what I have', which incidentally was nothing of material value' but he did have Jesus.

Yes, there were many who ripped us off or stole from the church, but this goes with the territory in this type of work. We also had many who didn't want Jesus and, that was ok - their choice. However, those who did, I believe were genuine and Jesus made a difference in their lives. It was almost like the Apostle Paul was speaking the words of our text to them - 'But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.' Whatever happened to them since then, I feel Jesus has His hands upon them.

Many of us could also apply this text to our own lives before we met Jesus. Perhaps you were homeless, had an addiction or were just totally broken. Think back to those dark, lonely days and count your blessings that you have moved on from there. Jesus has changed you and your whole life. Doesn't that make you want to praise Him and shout, 'Thank You Jesus'.

The Angel of the Lord - the pre-incarnate Christ, drew you to the Father. Once you were far away but, He loved you so much that through certain life events, He brought you to Himself. You were saved and now you are free. Because of Jesus, you have a place in heaven. Give Jesus a shout of praise as you remember where you came from!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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