Monday, 14 November 2022

Be an Encourager

"Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing."  
                                                                              1 Thessalonians 5:11   CSB 

Everyone needs encouragement from time to time. Life can be difficult and demanding. It has the ability to drain us of all of our energy. When we get this far down, we can reach for a bottle of wine or whatever else can be a short-time fix. However, better still, a friendly voice full of encouragement can work wonders.

If you feel encouragement is helpful, does this make you want to be an encourager? If so, here are a few pointers that may help:
BUILD SOMEONE UP  Whatever a person's problem may be, it is always difficult to change their situation but, it may be possible to assist them to view the situation in a more positive manner. Help them to see themselves differently. A positive move can be to say, 'You always impress me how you manage to handle things. Others would fall at the first hurdle but, you are more focused. How do you do this?' This is helping them to be more positive and may help them realise this, so that they can see a way forward.
LET THEM KNOW HOW PRECIOUS THEY ARE  Remind them how God feels about them and others around them. Think of a time that they may have encouraged you, or someone else. This again is a more positive approach, especially if you tell them how grateful you all were for this encouragement.
REMIND THEM OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS  This may be to do with their work or college status. It may also be as a mother or husband or some other way that they have succeeded in. Listen to their negative conversation but don't try to be a major problem-solver, otherwise if what you advise doesn't work, they may lose their trust in you. Try to counteract their negativity with positivity without, making them feel a failure or responsible for what may have gone wrong.
REMIND THEM TO BE FOCUSED  Advise them that things will improve as they look through faith-filled eyes. God is with them and so are others. Tell them that you are praying for them and, if appropriate, invite them to a Home Group or Coffee Morning. Finally encourage them to try to speak positive words, not negative ones. Words that will build them up, not the opposite 'Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them'  Ephesians 4:29  NLT.
CONCLUSION  Is there anyone you could encourage at this time? If there is, don't try to be a counsellor, just be a friend and listen more than speak. When you do speak, ensure it is positive.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...