Tuesday, 29 November 2022

James Part 7

"See how great a forest a little fire kindles! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets on fire, the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell."                      James 3:5-6   NKJV

Once more James is describing how dangerous the tongue can be. It can be used to praise and worship God and also, to destroy a person's reputation with unkind words that it utters. He describes it as a forest fire. Palestine at the time of writing, was an extremely arid and dry place to be in season. So dry in fact, that the heat could spark off a massive fire which could spread over all the area killing everything in sight. There would be terrible damage done as the raging fire spread.

In the same way, James describes the tongue as a fire-starter too. It can be used to ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit to come and sweep over people with spiritual fire. The fire of God cleanses and empowers believers to rise to a higher level of anointing, thus promoting in-depth praise and worship and evangelism and healing. Alternatively, the tongue can create a fire that can bring total devastation to a person or their ministry.

The tongue can start rumours about something or someone and these lies or exaggerated gossip can spread all over the world. It can be used as scandal. There are a few church ministries that are undergoing such things at this time. Oftentimes, the rumours are not true, they are spoken to ruin a ministry. However, at times they can be true but, it is not our place to pass judgement or spread further rumours about this. We can do better by praying that God will reveal the truth and end the scandal. The devil loves this kind of thing. He's never happier than when he is using accusatory language to ruin the work of God. 

But what about the damage that a fiery tongue can do to an innocent individual? You may hear some rumour about someone or church ministry. How do you handle this? If we don't particularly like the person, it would be easy to feel that they have received their just desserts. But, they may be innocent, how would Jesus handle this or, expect us to handle it? Definitely not in a judgemental way. He would expect us to refuse to believe a rumour until it is proven right and, in the meantime, pray for the individual and the situation. This would be using the tongue wisely and would help dampen the fire.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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