Friday, 4 November 2022

You are a Work in Progress

"being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you, will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."            Philippians 1:6   NKJV 

Are you trying to be perfect? Stop right now, because you'll never make it! Perfectionists strive to do a certain thing; they'll stop at nothing because they want to do things better than anyone else.  They are so competitive that they have to win. Perfectionists have an inbuilt desire to succeed; which when you consider it, is not a bad thing. However, the perfectionist is different, he or she have to be winners, they have to succeed, there is no room for failure. 

When they do fail, they go down lower than the average person. You see, the root of perfectionism is fear. The person fears that failure will make them look weak - an under-achiever.  
Therefore, they worry and become stressed; they push themselves on, working long hours with hardly any sleep. They are on a crash course to a heart attack or at east, a breakdown - total burnout. In their lives there is no room for time off or holidays, they have to work to achieve their goal.

If this is you, then get out of the fast lane. Using the motorway analogy, the perfectionist lives life in this fast lane. If they switch over to a slower one or pull up for a break, all the people they have passed will get back in front of them, so they keep on. But so what? Is it really worth it? Is it worth losing your good health, your family and whatever else because you're too busy?

As a Christian, you are a work in progress, not a mega superstar. You come from Calvary not from Hollywood. Slow down and switch over to the slow lane or better still, pull up for a break. Slow down before your life slows you down. Start by changing your whole lifestyle. If you have lived life in the fast lane all your life, you will find this difficult but you can do it with Jesus' help.

Nowhere in the bible will you find God telling you to be a perfectionist. As I mentioned earlier, this is rooted in fear, God is rooted in faith, the exact opposite. So change your life before you regret it.

You are a work in progress; therefore you will fail and you will make mistakes but, one day, when Jesus finishes His work on you, you will be perfect.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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